The PowerPuff Girls and The RowdyRuff Boys are ready!! Later, The Powerpuff Girls and The Rowdyruff Boys then fly off to race around the world. This is a big surprise for everyone in Townsville, and everyone see The Girls and Boys begin the race. The next day, The Powerpuff Girls and The Rowdyruff Boys then enter in the race. Once Brick and Blossom hear about the race, that reminds Brick and Blossom that they had tickets for the race as they pull out tickets for the race to enter.īrick and Blossom suddenly grin at each other.
Then Brick and Blossom glare at each other and watch TV. Butch tells him for both of them to shut up and watch TV. Brick and Blossom are arguing again much to their siblings annoyance. The Rowdyruff Boys are at The Powerpuff Girls' house with The Girls watching TV. On TV, Their will be a contest that only two teams can race around the world. 36 Visit Ya Later in Venezuela- Part 34.32 Rockin' N' Roll in Tennessee- Part 30.28 Ill (ill) see ya in Illinois- Part 26.25 Yikes! Vampires the Romania!- Part 23.19 Super Awecome, Crazy Fun In Japan- Part 17.